If you have been the unfortunate victim of a slip and fall accident in the city of Alhambra, California, you are well within your rights to demand proper compensation for your injuries. This may include not only the proper financial amount to cover the medical expenses you have sustained from your injuries, but also a satisfactory amount that will cover the wages you may have lost through having to take time off from your work to recuperate from your accident.
If you have lost your job as a result of your accident, you will certainly feel entitled to compensation, not only for the wages you have lost, but for the time you have spent in searching for a new position.
When To Hire A Slip And Fall Lawyer
When should you hire the services of a slip and fall attorney in Alhambra? If you have sustained injuries due to an accidental slip or fall in your work place, or in any public place (such as a night club, restaurant, theater, etc.), or even at the home of a friend or a loved one, you will be entitled to compensation for your injuries.
If you have consulted your insurance company and are unhappy or unsatisfied with the amount of settlement they have offered you, you are certainly entitled to arrange a consultation with one of the many experienced and qualified slip and fall lawyers in Alhambra.
How Can A Slip And Fall Lawyer Help You?
A reputable slip and fall accident attorney is an individual who you can trust to represent you in your case. This individual will know exactly who to contact, as well as how to negotiate successfully on your behalf with the proper authorities (your hospital, your insurance company, etc.).
In the final analysis, a slip and fall attorney is someone who will help you receive the compensation you are due after suffering through your unfortunate experience. This is not limited merely to financial compensation. After all, there is also the possibility that your slip and fall accident may have caused a great deal of personal humiliation and mental suffering. A competent Alhambra slip and fall lawyer will take this possibility into due consideration as he or she argues the case on your behalf.
Arrange A Consultation For Your Case
If you feel that you have a legitimate case which merits the attention of an Alhambra slip and fall attorney, you are advised to contact one today. Most slip and fall lawyers in Alhambra will allow you to arrange a free consultation. If you are suffering from the after effects of a serious injury, the time to do something about is now.
Slip and fall injuries are the leading cause of accidental injuries in the United States. These cases are called premises liability cases and occur when a property owner is negligent in keeping the property safe with proper maintenance, repair and upkeep. Property owners are responsible for keeping their property clear of ice, snow and any other hazards that may cause a slip and fall injury. Aisles, passageways, floors, sidewalks and parking lots should be free of hazardous conditions.
Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to broken bones, head trauma and neck and back problems. Severe injuries may require long term rehabilitation costs in addition to medical expenses, and even an injury that may seem minor at first can end up causing long-term physical problems. Injured individuals may find themselves overwhelmed with medical expenses, loss of income and pain and suffering. Individuals injured in a slip and fall accident should take several steps to protect their rights.
Get Medical Attention
The first order of business after this type of accident is to seek medical attention. Aside from the obvious need to assess and treat any injuries, prompt documentation of where, how and when the accident happened and injuries incurred is vital if you plan to seek damages through the property owner’s insurance company. A thorough assessment at an emergency room can often determine the actual extent of an injury, as the severity of some injuries may not be apparent to the victim for days or weeks.
Take Pictures
In order to file a slip and fall lawsuit, there must be a concrete cause of the fall, whether ice, snow, liquid spill, broken steps or any other hazardous condition. If possible, take photographs to preserve evidence. Use your cell phone or the phone of a friend or witness to the accident. Save footwear or clothing worn during the accident.
Report the Accident
If you are injured in a commercial property such as mall, supermarket, gym or associated parking lot or sidewalk, report the fall immediately to management. The report should state the date and time of the incident as well as names of witnesses and perceived injury, serving as physical proof that the accident actually happened so that the owner cannot later deny it.
Contact an Attorney
Contact an attorney who is experience in slip and fall accidents as soon as possible. Filing deadlines may be as short as six months, so time is of the essence in making seeking legal assistance. A Huntington Park slip and fall accident lawyer can help preserve your rights in several ways, ensuring a prompt investigation, preservation of evidence, identity of witnesses and assistance in getting any necessary immediate or long-term medical care.