Do I Need A Lawyer After A Drunk Driving Accident?
Drunk driving is illegal, and the law has a zero-tolerance policy for drunk driving. When you get into the car after consuming an alcoholic beverage, you make the decision to not only break the law but also place the lives of everyone else on the road in danger. It’s a powerful decision that can change…
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Should I Go To The Doctor If I’m Only “A Little Sore?”
If you are just a little sore after being involved in a car accident, don’t think you will be fine in the morning and refuse medical assistance. The best thing that you can do after an automobile accident is get in that ambulance and to the hospital, it will be the best decision you make…
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Should I Give A Statement To The Faulty Driver’s Insurance Company?
While you are in the hospital or recovering from an automobile accident that was not your fault, chances are good you may be approached by the at-fault driver’s insurance company for a statement concerning your side of the story. It is important to note that when you are being offered a settlement in exchange for…
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If The Other Driver Is At Fault, What Compensation Can I Get?
When you are involved in a automobile accident and the other driver was found to be at fault, the compensation you get will actually be determined by the actions you take. If you do nothing, chances are good the at-fault driver’s insurance company will make you a settlement offer, but are you in the position…
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There is a difficult question that people must answer after they’ve been involved in a car accident. Should they go to the hospital or should they just try to deal with the pain on their own? In some cases, people struggle to answer this question because of the heavy costs involved. A ride in an…
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