Do I have to go to Court?
A personal injury lawsuit typically has two outcomes: court or settlement. This means an injury victim does not have to go to court to resolve their case. Resolving a case in court means the personal injury lawyer proves the defendant was negligent in the accident. To prove the defendant was negligent refers to the personal…
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When you suffer an injury, you might wonder about your legal rights. You may have a right to bring a case to recover for your losses. In order to bring a case, your injuries must result from the bad acts of someone else. In most cases, these bad acts are called negligence. New York negligence…
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Do I have a personal injury case?
Personal injury cases are very complex. They often involve more than just one or two individuals and there are different laws set in place to govern different types of cases. In the arena of personal injury law alone, there are numerous things to consider, even to the point of filing multiple lawsuits over a single…
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I Was Injured as a Passenger. What Are My Rights?
If you were injured as a passenger, you have certain rights under personal injury. The chances of receiving compensation are high because it is rare that the passenger is at fault. New York is a no-fault state. This means that insurance companies are liable to pay for the medical bills, lost earnings and other expenses…
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What should I do if I’ve been in a Motorcycle Accident?
The confusion and shock that characterize the period after a motorcycle accident can leave you wondering what to do. Since a motorcycle crash can result in injuries that would change your life in a significant way, keeping a clear mind will help you to determine the next course of action. Whatever happens, you must ensure…
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