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If the insurance company wants me to see their doctor, do I have to see them?

One of the most valuable services that an personal injury lawyer can possibly provide for you is resolving the complicated and frustrating experience of personal injury claim establishment. There are so many vague guidelines surrounding the attitude towards ethics in procedures taken to get more information that it can hard to tell whether or not…

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Do I need a lawyer if I was injured on a cruise ship?

Cruises are supposed to be a fun and rewarding experience, but what happens when that dream cruise turns into a nightmare after suffering a serious accident or injury? Cruise ships are normally governed by special laws, and depending on where the ship was when the accident occurred, a variety of federal, international and maritime laws…

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I didn’t think I was hurt, but now I feel horrible. What do I do?

Many times after an accident, your body produces adrenaline that can keep you from feeling pain. Once the shock and adrenaline wears out, however, you can start feeling ill or you may start noticing your injuries. This is why it is important to have a professional check you out right after an accident, since they…

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How Long Will it Take to Obtain Compensation for My Injuries?

For many injury victims, one of the most frustrating parts of the claims process is how long it can take to receive the compensation you deserve. While you undoubtedly want to resolve your case as quickly as possible to pay your bills and replace lost earnings, your personal injury lawyer will also advise you against…

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Steps to take after an accident

Getting into an accident can be a very stressful and painful experience. In some situations, it can require to you to accumulate a lot of medical bill debt and even miss paid time from work. Since getting into an accident can be so costly, it would be a good idea to hire legal representation if…

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