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Do I need a lawyer after a Distracted Driving Accidents

Every day in the United States, almost 1,200 people are injured in distracted driving accidents. About 10 people are killed because of a distracted driver. If you find yourself the victim of an accident caused by a distracted driver, you likely find yourself with many questions. Included on the list very well may be wondering…

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What should I do immediately after an accident?

Auto accidents are typically stressful times. However, there are steps you can take following an auto accident to protect yourself in the future. Below are some things you should do if you are involved in an accident. Stay Calm While most people are a bit rattled after an accident, it is important to stay calm…

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Should I give a statement to the faulty driver’s insurance company?

It is very common for an insurance company to ask for a recorded statement from someone who files a claim against one of their policyholders. But, you are not legally obligated to agree to a recorded statement. While you are acting in good faith to provide all the details to settle your claim, the insurance…

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If a motorcyclist isn’t wearing a helmet, can they still recover for injuries caused by another driver?

Motorcycle accidents make up a large portion of personal injury lawsuits. For this reason, many states have laws in place requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets for their own protection. However, many people fail to wear protective helmets making head injuries likely. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident and were not wearing a…

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How much does it cost to speak with you about my situation?

When an accident occurs and victims are facing numerous stressful situations, one of the most important decisions they should make is speaking with an attorney. However, because they are dealing with many issues, they believe they may not have enough money to speak with an attorney regarding the circumstances of their accident. As a result,…

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