Newport Beach car accident lawyers can help the residents who have been involved in car accidents. They can instruct victims of a car accident what to do. Common instructions may include: obtain a police report or visit a doctor to assess your injuries. Both documents will help to prove the injuries sustained and help in the collections process when trying to secure funds from the injured party’s insurance company.
If you don’t know how long you’ll be out of work or where to get medical treatment, it’s a good idea to consult an attorney who can direct you for medical treatment. Car accident attorneys can also help you negotiate with insurance companies to get transportation and compensation for missed time from work, school, or family.
Determine Statute of Limitations in Car Accident Lawsuits
Determining the statute of limitations is the last date that you can file a lawsuit regarding any injuries occurring from an accident. The limitations apply to auto, truck, auto, motorcycle, personal injury, and any other car accident type. For instance, the statute of limitations for a dog bite would be two years.
Claims against the city must be filed within six months of the accident. You must first determine if you are within the statute of limitations to file a claim. If you are, keep in mind that the longer you wait to contact an attorney, the more difficult it becomes to gather evidence. Call the attorney as soon as an accident happens to improve your chances of winning a case.
Investigate the Case and Gather the Evidence
Ensure that the investigating officer takes an accurate account of the accident and prepares a fair report. At the end of the investigation, obtain a police report for your records. This will be useful in negotiations with insurance companies and also if the case goes to court.
Choose a Competent Team
Choose a team that is highly skilled and has experience winning cased for clients. The best law firms have free initial consultations and no fees unless the case is won. If a driver is negligent in the car accident, car accident attorneys will gather evidence to prove that there was adequate negligence for the victims to receive compensation.
Choose a Newport Beach car accident attorney that has high ratings. They can help you fight your legal claim and maximize compensation deserved. Ask for referrals and read reviews to find the best attorneys in Newport Beach.