Life after an accident depends on whether you suffered serious damages or not. In most cases, people choose to hire personal injury lawyers after a car crash that results in loss of life, serious injuries or property damage. However, several factors determine whether to run or walk to a personal injury attorney. Here are some of the common events the dictate how soon an accident victim should contact a personal injury lawyer.
The severity of the injuries
It is true that not every injury claim requires the immediate attention of an attorney. Some injuries are mild and do not need an attorney. Pursuing mild injuries after an accident will not only lead to loss of money, but it will also damage your relationship with the insurance provider. A severe injury is worth the hassle because you are sure of positive and quality results at the end. An insurance provider will ask you to produce medical documents after an accident. The insurance agent will use the documents to determine whether your claim is worth compensating. Some of the injuries that can boost your chances with a personal injury lawyer include broken bones, spinal damage and permanent disability.
Death due to the accident
If an accident results in the death of one, two or more victims, you need an attorney as soon as possible. Most claims that involve the death of the accident victims are highly prioritized during trials, and most of them lead to higher compensations. After you contact the attorney, he or she will come up with the right approach to handle the case. The attorney will conduct adequate investigations and come up with a full report of the circumstances that led to the accident. The attorney will also determine whether the accident was as a result of negligence or product malfunction. From the findings, he or she will come up with the right course of action to present the case in front of the injury.
No insurance
There are many instances s where one of both parties is uninsured or under-insured. The law requires every motorist to have a valid insurance policy. However, not everyone obeys the law. If you find out that the driver at fault does not have an insurance policy, you need to contact a lawyer as fast as possible. There are non-profit organizations in the United States that help those who are not insured to get the right compensation after an accident. The lawyer will help you with the claiming process and ensure you get the right medical documents to boost your claim. The lawyer will also help you to claim for the long-term care and rehabilitation, which is hard to get if you don’t have an insurance policy.
Other parties are involved
Dealing with other parties when applying for a personal injury claim is often challenging. If the accident involves pedestrians, you need a lawyer to help you get everybody on board so that you get the right compensation. An accident that involves more than two parties can also attract several claims that can jeopardize your claim. A personal injury lawyer will know what to do in such circumstances. For instance, he or she can reach out to all the parties involved and agree on the right channel to make all cases successful during the trial.
Low Limits of liability of insurance
While a low coverage insurance is a good deal, it is not recommended in auto insurance. Most limited auto insurance cover accidents that cause damages to the car but ignore injuries. When you have a limit of $50,000, it means that your insurance provider will pay to a maximum of $50,000 per accident. You will be responsible for any amount that exceeds this limit. You need a personal injury lawyer to help you negotiate with the insurance company and argue your case rationally in front of the jury. The lawyer will also review the terms of the policy with the insurance company and make adjustments to the limit.
Before you contact an attorney, ensure you are thoroughly checked by a medical professional to determine whether your injuries are worth the claim. Search online for a suitable lawyer or ask your friends for recommendations.
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