Lancaster is a city located in the northern region of California’s Los Angeles County. With a population of 159,055 in 2012, the city is far from “sleepy.” Most of the population drives personal vehicles. In the year 2010, the accidents in Lancaster, California consisted of fatal accidents (5), with eight vehicles involved and one fatal accident caused by a drunk driver. Finding good lawyers to represent you or someone you know who is involved in a car accident is a fairly easy thing to do.
<strong>When Might You Need To Call A Lawyer?</strong>
Some people may be unsure of when it is appropriate to call a Lancaster car accident lawyer so here is an easy explanation: anytime you or your vehicle is involved in any kind of mishap. As the saying goes, “it is better to be safe than sorry.” Call a lawyer for any sort of accident including road rage that leaves your tail lights busted, a fender bender, and obviously big accidents as well.
<strong>What Will The Lawyers Do?</strong>
The car accident lawyers will assess the car accident to see which party was at fault. Once this is done they can dig deeper into the person at fault’s driving history and determine if the person in question should have been operating a vehicle in the first place.
<strong>Checking The Vehicles For Issues</strong>
Another very important task for the car accident lawyers includes inspecting any vehicles involved for any issues existing before the accident. They check for things such as regular, routine maintenance and that all safety guidelines are met, as well as whether the vehicle has the appropriate tags, registration, and insurance needed.
<strong>Accident Statistics In Lancaster</strong>
Generally speaking, a lot of words strung together may not make sense to a bunch of people so compiled here is a breif list of car accident statistics for the city of Lancaster, California:
-Vehicles in this city travel a total of 2.4million miles a day, usually.
-Truck accidents and car accidents are some of the most common accidents in Lancaster.
-In 2010, accidents involving injury or death came to a grand total of 1,051.
-Of the 53 cities in California, Lancaster ranks at 22nd highest when it comes to traffic accidents.
<strong>What Claims Can Be Handled?</strong>
Lancaster car insurance lawyers can decide to represent someone on a case-to-case basis. Some of the claims they often time represent are cases involving uninsured motorists, aggressive driving, tired drivers, wrongful death, driver error and negligence, catastrophic injuries, speeding, distracted driving (eating/texting), deffective roadway consitions/auto parts, and last but certainly not least, drunk driving.
Whether you have been in a car accident in Lancaster or you just have a simple question about making a claim or your insurance coverage, Lancaster car accident lawyers are there to help you. Call one today!