Norwalk personal injury lawyers represents individuals and families who have suffered serious injury or death as a result of negligent, careless, or reckless actions of others. Personal injuries may cause both physical and emotional pain. Financial hardship resulting from lost work, medical bills, or stress inflicted upon the victim’s family or loved ones, must also be considered by personal injury attorneys. Physical and emotional wellness are often taken for granted until personal injury strikes.
At Norwalk personal injury lawyers, we know that an accident can forever change the victim’s life, or the lives of those he or she loves. Simple acts, such as enjoying a good meal, may become difficult. Routines, such as going to work, are interrupted. Personal economics, or economics of family life, are disrupted and may be devastating. Personal injury may result from a car accident, product defect, or many other forms of negligence or carelessness. The injury person or persons need legal representation to get personal matters and lives back on track after a serious injury occurs.
Key Principles of Personal Injury Law
According to the authors of “How to Win Your Personal Injury Claim,” the injured victim must show that he or she has been injured by another’s reckless, careless, or negligent behaviors and actions in order to win a personal injury care. The personal injury victim, called a plaintiff, may file one or more kinds of personal injury lawsuits, also known as torts, to provide proofs.
The injured party must show that negligence has occurred. Negligence is established by a person or company’s careless actions, or failure to take actions, cause injury. The negligent party may not have intended for an injury to result, but is nonetheless liable and responsible for the damages caused. Most homeowner, auto, or general liability insurance contracts protect the insured from often unintentional, negligent acts that cause personal injury to others.
Victims who have suffered wrongful death or personal injury that results from any kind of misconduct are awarded financial damages by a court of law. Damages may include lost earnings, medical costs, disability, scarring, lost enjoyment of life, or pain and associated suffering. In some wrongful death cases, punitive damages may also be awarded to the victim.
Personal injury or wrongful death cases are almost always complex and may require technical defense. Norwalk personal injury lawyers are experienced in all aspects of communicating with administrative boards, trial venues and courts, and appellate courts. Our experienced attorneys know how to manage and defend serious personal injury claims.
Because personal injury matters almost always involve emotional issues, it is important to avoid direct communications with the negligent party’s insurance company or legal counsel. Communications without the assistance of an attorney may limit future recovery of damages. Never agree to settle, sign a release, or accept money in exchange for the release of negligence.
A professional personal injury and wrongful death attorney should determine the appropriate next steps for best results.