In the past few years, the rate of pedestrian injuries and fatalities are rising higher and higher. There are more unsafe drivers on the road today that are only concerned with getting to where the need to be than ever before. How does a pedestrian keep themselves out of harm’s way? What can drivers do to become more aware? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered to keep pedestrians safe and drivers that are unsafe off the roads. Here are a few tips to ensure that your journey as a pedestrian is a safe one.
<strong>Stay on the Sidewalks</strong>
Most roads have well paved sidewalks that are raised above the street pavement. These are designed this way to keep cars on the street and off the sidewalks. By staying on the walking path along the street, you will keep out of harm’s way and prevent accidents from occurring. When at all possible walk facing the traffic. This will give you some extra time to get out of the way should a vehicle be heading your way. If there’s an obstacle in the way of your path, don’t move around it by going into the street. Veer your path of travel away from the street.
<strong>Don’t Cross in the Middle of the Street</strong>
A majority of pedestrian accidents occur when crossing the street where there is no crosswalk or junction. Contrary to popular belief, vehicles are not obligated to slow down or stop for pedestrians unless they are in a designated crossing zone. While this may seem incredibly absurd and courtesy dictates that the pedestrian always has the right-of-way, many drivers don’t observes this. If you need to cross the street, find a nearby crosswalk or go to the street corner and cross accordingly.
<strong>Wear Contrasting Clothes</strong>
If it is a bright day outside, don’t wear clothes that will reflect the light. This will act like a camouflage and have you blend into the surroundings. By wearing darker clothes you will attract and absorb the light making you much more visible. In contrast to this, if you are walking about at night, try to wear light colored clothes. The reflected light will be like a beacon to drivers and let them know that you’re walking.
Many drivers lack in courtesy and have no problem in putting your life on the line to shave a few seconds off their commute. By following these tips, you’ll be taking the steps towards living a longer life. Should you find yourself in an accident, call Pasadena Pedestrian Accident Lawyers to get the legal representation you deserve.