People in Rancho Cucamonga tend to go a lot of places, just like any other town. They go to school, work, the movies, the grocery store, and many other buildings. Located in San Bernardino County, buildings there have to follow safety rules and regulations put forward by the state of California.
California premises liability means that owners of public buildings have to keep the location safe for the public. If a person feels that he or she has been injured due to the negligence of an establishment, they can hold the business accountable by contacting a slip and fall lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga.
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Obligation of Defendant to Use Due Care
The first step a slip and fall lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga will take is proving that the defendant should be responsible for the safety of others. Examples of establishments that would probably be responsible include:
- restaurants
- stores
- hotels
- museums
Some people may not be required by law to make sure their property is safe. For instance, if the accident happened on a private property or if the person pressing charges signed a paper stating that he or she knew there were risks to certain activities and were responsible for their own well-being, the defendant probably isn’t obligated to use due care.
Breach of Legal Duty
The second step of a slip and fall attorney is to ascertain that the defendant breached his legal duty of keeping an establishment safe. If a person slips on a wet floor when there was no wet floor sign, the owner would not have been using due care; however, if a person tripped over his own two feet because he was texting while walking, the only person to blame is the texter.
Cause of the Injury
The third step is to figure out whether a particular injury was caused because there was a breach of legal duty. Somebody cannot be held responsible for an injury if it was preexisting. Any slip and fall accident lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga will tell their clients that they cannot press charges for a broken ankle if the ankle was already broken unless, of course, the injury was made worse by an accident that would have been preventable if the owner of a public area took more precautions.
Due to statute of limitations in California, a person must file a complaint about a personal injury within six months of the incident. If you or someone you love has been injured recently because of negligence on the part of an establishment, contact a slip and fall accident lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga as soon as possible.
Slip and fall incidents can occur without warning, leaving many people wondering what they should do next. When they have received the proper medical treatment, they should work with a legal professional who can guide them through the courtroom process. If clients have sustained a significant amount of damage, they will understandably want to find out more information soon. They will likely want to quickly determine whether they can receive compensation for their injuries. This is why they should focus on hiring the top rated Placentia slip and fall accident lawyers. They will be well suited when it comes to dealing with different types of issues. Most everyone will be impressed by the full range of support that they can receive by doing so.
Establishing Liability In The Courtroom
It will be first important to understand whether someone was truly liable for the different types of injuries that people sustained. Most everyone will want to think about whether they can get the full range of compensation that they need. Part of this process will be demonstrating whether the local owner was at fault for the accident. This can be demonstrated in a few different types of ways. Most people will be interested in whether they can actually secure the right kind of legal approach as well. The lawyer will be able to review the facts of the case and provide a recommendation on how to proceed.
Estimating The Results Of The Case
During the initial consultation, many people will want to think about whether they can secure the best overall approach to the case. The lawyer should be able to estimate whether the client will actually win the case. This may actually affect the legal professional’s willingness to take on the court room proceedings. Most people will be curious about the different outcomes that might occur. An experienced lawyer will be able to identify some of the common outcomes that will typically emerge from these cases. This will help the client determine whether they should pursue with the case as it unfolds over time.
Obtaining An Initial Cost Estimate
Most clients will also want to estimate how much they might need to pay as part of obtaining these legal costs. This will go a long way towards helping people secure the best overall legal support. Most clients will want to think about this as investing in the outcome that they might get from the case. But there are many experienced Plancentia slip and fall accident lawyers who will be able to offer their expert support for these different cases. They may even be able to offer people a no win, no fee contact for the case.