Auto accidents can be trying for all involved and are often sudden events that happen at the most inopportune time. The results of an auto accident are for more than wrecked vehicles and higher insurance premiums and can be costly to you. Loss of work due to an injury can result in loss of income while stacking up hospital bills. Vehicle damage can be expensive and have you inconvenienced by not having transportation for some time. These are just some of the things that are the results of an auto accident. Here’s a list of a few things that you can do to prepare yourself should an accident occur.
<strong>Keep your paperwork up to date.</strong>
It’s easy to let your insurance lapse. Times are tight and you think that missing one payment won’t matter. If you’re insurance has lapsed, this could put you in a legal bind as California State Law demands that any vehicle on the road be insured. Because of this law, a majority of the uninsured motorists are put at fault no matter what the circumstances are. This same rule applies to having your registration and driver’s license up to date. Failure to keep these things current will most certainly lead to problems later and likely leaving you with having to foot the bill.
<strong>Never just “work-it-out.”</strong>
When an accident occurs, many driver’s will try to convince you to not get the police or their insurance involved. This is most common with little fender-benders that on the surface seem to have no immediate ramifications. Don’t fall into this trap. Like your body, some damages to the vehicle may not seem like much on the surface but have jolted around something on the inside that could show itself after the accident. Call emergency services and get a full report on the incident as well as exchange driver information.
<strong>See your doctor immediately.</strong>
Most injuries that occur as a result of an auto accident aren’t immediately noticeable. Your adrenaline takes over at the scene and you don’t realized that you could be hurt. That is until you wake up the next morning or two with a kink in your neck or suddenly your back hurts from sitting at your desk for too long. These subtle but critical injuries could be a result of the accident. By checking in with your doctor, you may be able to save yourself valuable time and pain by taking preventative measures.
Taking these precautions will help you should an auto accident occur but legal assistance should always be sought out as well. By giving Santa Clarita Car Accident Lawyers a call, we can deal with the insurance companies, doctors, and other driver so that you don’t have to.