Whenever an auto accident occurs, victims deal with many people. Police officers on the scene, the other party involved in the accident, medical personnel, and others are making requests that the victim feels they must meet in a timely manner. However, it is when insurance companies become involved with the accident that the situation becomes much more complex. While accident victims may have multiple dealings with their own insurance company, it is when they choose to speak with the other driver’s insurance company that damage to their potential lawsuit can happen. Even if you are at no fault whatsoever for the accident, it’s crucial that you do not speak with the other driver’s insurance company. Instead, contact a personal injury attorney who has the experience and knowledge needed to give you the best possible advice.
Taking a Huge Risk
For victims who choose to speak with the other driver’s insurance company, they are taking a tremendous risk with their own case. While the insurance adjusters for the other driver’s company may act friendly and claim they just want whatever is best for you, the fact is their job is to pay out little or no money to you for your injuries. Due to this, they will use every trick in the book to make it look as if you were responsible for the accident. In many cases, that will involve looking for inconsistencies in any previous statements, asking questions in ways that may confuse victims and have them make incorrect statements, or cross-examine victims during the trial in an attempt to convince a jury the victim is simply a liar. Rather than take unnecessary chances such as these, accident victims can instead turn to a personal injury lawyer for help. By doing so, they can have a legal expert who knows how to handle these cases, and is not afraid to take on the insurance companies in an effort to ensure justice is served.
Be Careful What You Say
When an accident happens, victims can have many mixed feelings. While they realize they have nothing to hide and were not at fault, they may also feel compelled to talk to insurance company representatives who may be calling them relentlessly. If they do not know what is best for them and their potential personal injury case, they may be convinced to speak with insurance adjusters from the other driver’s insurance company. If this happens, the chances of winning their case may decrease significantly. To keep this from occurring, personal injury lawyers always recommend never speaking with an insurance company before speaking with them first. By working with an attorney who is determined to see your rights protected, an insurance adjuster will never get the chance to twist your words in ways that may convince a jury you are a liar.
What Should I Say?
If an accident victim does speak with the other driver’s insurance company before seeking the advice of an attorney, there are ways to avoid giving out unnecessary information. In these cases, a victim who gives only the name of their insurance company, policy number, and minimal information regarding damages may be able to avoid incriminating themselves. However, in order to keep their case as strong as possible, it’s best to say nothing to an insurance company. Instead, hire a personal injury attorney and let them act as a buffer between you and the insurance company. In many situations when an insurance company knows an accident victim has obtained legal representation, they will immediately back off and choose to become much more willing to negotiate. However, victims should never assume that the other driver’s insurance company wants them to gain the compensation they deserve. Because their job is to deny as many claims as possible, insurance adjusters will look for any reason they can find to make an accident victim look bad. To keep this from happening, hiring a personal injury attorney can keep insurance companies at bay, letting you pursue your case in a fair and efficient manner.
Contacting an Attorney
While these cases can have many confusing aspects, accident victims who retain the services of an experienced personal injury attorney always have a much better chance of coming out on top. Instead of choosing to fight the insurance companies alone and wind up with little or no compensation for your injuries, let an attorney skilled in these cases stand up for you and your rights, ensuring you will get the financial compensation you need and deserve.
Need legal help? Our Los Angeles car accident attorneys and Los Angeles personal injury attorneys are available to help whenever, and wherever, you need it.
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