Personal injury lawyers are zealous advocates of clients who have been injured. They work tirelessly to win a settlement or case. Some people who are recovering from a personal injury are not used to working with an attorney. Several tips will help anyone to work more effectively with Mission Viejo personal injury lawyers.
Trust the Attorney and Follow Advice
Personal injury attorneys in Mission Viejo have extensive experience litigating cases and winning settlements. They know how the law works, how other lawyers strategize and what is necessary to make an effective case. It is important to always trust and follow the advice of the lawyer. Disregarding instructions and ignoring advice can actually sabotage a case that would have otherwise been successful. If advice does not make sense, then clients should ask the personal injury attorney to explain what is happening.
Respond To All Communications
Working with a lawyer on a personal injury case in Mission Viejo requires a good amount of communication. These communications could be letters, phone calls or even emails in some cases. Anyone who is recovering from a personal injury should be sure to respond to all communications. Documents must be read. Messages must be answered. Calls need to be returned. A lack of communication takes away the ability of the personal injury attorney to proceed effectively with the legal action.
Never Act Alone
Most Mission Viejo lawyers will warn personal injury clients to never act alone. This means never agreeing to a settlement, signing paperwork or speaking to opposing counsel without the approval of the lawyer. There are situations where an insurance company, a third party or even the person responsible for the injury could approach with different offers or documents. Acting outside of the supervision of a lawyer could endanger the entire case. Small things could be used to invalidate testimony or evidence later. The lawyer in Mission Viejo should always be consulted if any decision needs to be made about the case.
Always Be Honest
The final tip is to always be as honest as possible. This includes not omitting details that could be negative or embarrassing about the incident or the injury. Lying or omitting details puts the Mission Viejo lawyer at a disadvantage since the opposing side could discover this information. It is always best to answer all questions honesty and completely when talking to a personal injury attorney.
The trust between a personal injury attorney and the client is important for the success of a case. The client trusts that the attorney is knowledgeable and making the best decisions at every point. The attorney trusts that the client will not do anything to undermine the case and will be honest. Working well with Mission Viejo personal injury lawyers will increase the chances of winning the case.