If you just suffered an injury, you are probably only worried about getting better. However, once those sky-high medical bills start coming in, it may be time to consider a personal injury lawsuit to recover the money that you are rightfully owed.
Some people may instinctively think it’s greedy to try to profit from an injury. However, for one, you deserve the money – the money is direct and appropriate compensation for the injury and suffering you endured. In addition, you are helping to serve justice. Someone should not be able to get off scot-free for committing a bad act. Moreover, you are actually helping to make the world a safer place. It is precisely because of the fear of personal injury lawsuits that companies and individuals have to behave more carefully and protect other people from harm.
However, even if you wanted to sue, you wouldn’t know the first thing about how to do it. The court system is so complicated and time-consuming that it doesn’t seem worth the hassle. That’s why you need to hire a personal injury lawyer who’s gone through the process many times, and is an expert at ensuring that you get the most money possible.
No Risk
When you think of lawyers, you may think of huge hourly fees, padded by every five minute phone call. However, personal injury lawyers are different! They only charge if you win the case, taking a percentage of the money recovered. This means that consulting a personal injury lawyer is completely risk-free. He will expertly analyze the case based on years of experience and dozens of cases and tell you your chance of success. If it’s not promising, then you’ve lost nothing. In fact, even if he takes the case on, the lawyer will bear the risk of loss, since if you lose, he will have worked for free.
Moreover, the lawyer’s interests will be perfectly aligned with yours. He just wants to win the case for you, and he has no perverse incentives to waste time or draw things out.
Gain Credibility
The trial process is inevitably extended and unpredictable, even with the aid of a personal injury lawyer. However, most cases are actually settled before they ever reach trial. If you approach the perpetrator yourself, though, he is unlikely to take you seriously. On the other hand, an official letter from a lawyer will let him know that you mean business, and often he will be willing to quickly pay money to make the lawsuit go away.
Get Money You Didn’t Know You Were Owed
You may think it’s not worth the trouble of suing if your medical bills or lost work are minor. However, in many cases a personal injury lawyer will be able to help you get much more money than you thought possible, because of the concept of “pain and suffering.” This allows for the award of large sums due to mental and psychic anguish suffered by victims, which may be entirely unrelated to what the medical costs happen to be. Being injured is a very traumatic experience, and the courts realize this, providing for appropriate compensation.
So if you’ve recently suffered an injury, don’t hesitate to consult an expert personal injury lawyer today! There is no risk, and you may be able to receive significant compensation for your injury.