Many people that live in or near Visalia count on public transportation – they take buses to work, school, the grocery store, the doctor’s office, the movie theater, and other places. Located in Tulare County, Visalia is bound by California’s common carrier law. This law basically states that bus companies and bus drivers have to use “utmost care and diligence” when transporting passengers to ensure their safety.
If the degree of care required is not used by a driver or company, passengers can get injured, sometimes severely. Anyone who has gotten injured while riding a bus can contact a Visalia bus accident lawyer to make sure someone is held responsible.
<h3> Policies </h3>
One of the places a Visalia bus accident lawyer will look when dealing with a bus accident is the bus company’s policies. An individual won’t be held responsible if he’s following protocol – the company itself will. If there is something wrong with the policies of the company, it’s important to bring it to the attention of the proper authorities so that more people won’t be hurt in the future. Many times, though, safety policies in place are sufficient; usually someone just didn’t follow them correctly.
<h3> Buses </h3>
Poor bus maintenance is a common cause for injuries among passengers. Visalia bus accident lawyers know this and will probably ask to see a detailed log of the bus’s upkeep. Buses are often not kept in pristine condition because it costs the company time and money to have them checked out and fixed. Out of all the kinds of vehicles there are, buses are one of the most important to keep inspections current. This is because they travel many hours in all conditions and transport so many people. No matter how small a problem on a bus might seem, companies should make sure to have it looked at.
<h3> Bus Drivers </h3>
Another way that bus accidents happen is because of the driver. If a driver is reckless, extremely tired, or just not paying attention, he is endangering the life of everyone on board as well as other vehicles on the road. Bus companies need to make sure they hire good employees. Letting a person with a bad driving history operate a bus is never a good idea.
A person that has been injured because of the negligence of a bus company or one of their employees should contact a Visalia bus accident lawyer to make sure that they get compensated fairly and have all of the expenses caused by the accident taken care of.
Anyone filing a personal injury complaint must do it within six months of the accident, so contact a lawyer as soon as possible.